Thursday 5 March 2009


Dear all brothers and sisters
Asslamau Alaikum

It is this time of the year, with the occasion of the Birth of our beloved Prophet PBUH

Miladul Nabee (Birth of the Prophet)

Sat 7th March 2009- 10th Rabi’ Awwal 1430
Maghrib Prayer 6.14 PM

The Prophet in the Qura’n
Sheikh Muhammad Abu Shabbana Al-Rashidi
Al-Azhar University, Imam of NIMFA

The Prophet in Our Life
Sheikh Mua’z Al-Khateeb, guest speaker
Previous Khateeb at Umayyah Mosques, Damascus

Nasheed/ Songs

Isha’ Prayer

Come and enjoy Saturday evening out with us!

We hope that you can attend with your family

